“To walk along the restored river, which runs from Maastricht to Roosteren, is to find yourself in a time capsule. Some of the oldest sections of the project, further upstream, are already full of life. Borgharen, an area that has been exploited since at least Roman times, was one of the first sites to be released. Dozens of sand martens scurry up the cliff by the river to feed their chicks; there are warblers, skylarks, skylarks and swallows in the sky.”


A victory for Lula, the left-wing opponent and current front-runner, could prevent the loss of 75,960 km2 of Amazonian forest by 2030, an area the size of Panama, according to the analysis. This measure would also significantly reduce Brazil’s emissions if accompanied by a new focus on forest restoration. This assumes, of course, that Lula keeps his promise to combat illegal deforestation in the Amazon, 


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