L’impact agency
Your challenges today //
are your opportunities for tomorrow
but not manic
Curious but not irrational
but not irrational
Optimistic but not naive
but not naive
but by alternative
Strategic recommendations
Content creation
Content distribution
La Mèche is also a channel for communicating and disseminating content created in collaboration with organizations, which it publishes both on its platform and on social networks.
Zero impact events
We organize original eco-designed events with minimal environmental impact.
our references //
“Together let’s define the standards of tomorrow, a business world that enables value creation while making an equitable social contribution, with a neutral or positive impact on nature.”
Contact us//viathis form:
// or book a 30-minute exploratory talk free of charge:
we’ll be in touch soon!
Fondée en 2020 par Marie Chassot, La Mèche a pour mission d’accompagner les gens et les organisations dans leur transition vers un mode de vie et des pratiques professionnelles plus responsables, à travers un magazine digital, une agence de conseil et un réseau social.
Founded in 2020 by Marie Chassot, La Mèche's mission is to support people and organizations in their transition to a more responsible lifestyle and professional practices, through a digital magazine, a consulting agency and a social network.