In a fascinating interview, Emmanuel Faber says he is “fundamentally optimistic” that we have no choice but to use the next ten years to turn the corner and make the transition to a fairer, more responsible society. What role can companies and sustainable finance play in this transformation?
Some banks, such as Morgan Stanley, JPMorgan and Bank of America, fear they could be sued because of the alliance’s strict commitments to decarbonization. They are thus threatening to leave the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ), created in 2021 by Mr. Carney, former governor of the Bank of England. It is a coalition of asset managers, banks and insurance companies representing $130,000 billion in assets dedicated to combating climate change.
Timothée Parrique is a researcher in economics at Lund University in Sweden. He has published a book entitled “Ralentir ou périr, l’économie de la décroissance” (Seuil). He demonstrates the ecological, social and economic limits of growth. “We have to abandon the idea of GDP as a magic button that will solve all our problems”. He also believes that “green growth is a myth” and that companies must “abandon this obsession with financial value”.