two good news stories for nature

From January to June, the rainforest was subject to alerts covering 2,650 km², compared with 4,000 km² during the same period last year, under former president Jair Bolsonaro. This year’s data includes a 41% drop in alerts for the month of June, which marks the start of the dry season, when deforestation tends to increase. The dry season also increases the risk of fires, which numbered 3,075 in June, a record since 2007 due to deforestation in the first half of 2022.
The International Seabed Authority (ISA) is both responsible for protecting the ocean outside national jurisdictions and for organizing the exploration and eventual exploitation of highly coveted minerals, notably for the energy transition, in particular batteries for electric vehicles. For the past ten years, the IAMF Council and its 36 member states have been negotiating a mining code to set the rules for this exploitation. More and more countries are siding with the advocates of a moratorium until we learn more from the science. If it has not yet been adopted, thenongovernmental organizations (NGOs) have enthusiastically highlighted the change of dynamic within the AIFM, which until now has been regarded as a fervent apostle of industry interests.

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