
As part of the IPCC’s sixth assessment, the second working group has published a report assessing the current and future impacts of climate change, as well as the vulnerabilities of human society and the adaptations we need to make.

Last year, the IPCC published its first report in the series on how the climate crisis has left its mark on the planet’s unusual weather patterns. The report was clear: time is running out to avoid the worst. Today, this latest report further underlines the urgency of the issue, as the authors highlight even more clearly the risk faced by communities. The people who have contributed least to creating this disorder remain the most vulnerable. The message is even clearer today, even if unfortunately its impact is likely to be diminished by the dramatic crisis in Ukraine. 

Report highlights described by Le Temps

NY Times highlights of the report

Solutions for adapting to global warming are at the heart of this report. Interview with two of its authors in Switzerland, political science professor Thomas Bernauer and climate expert Rupa Mukerji.

Five ways for companies to respond to the IPCC’s “encyclopedia of human suffering”.

Five ways for companies to respond to the IPCC’s “encyclopedia of human suffering”.

You’ll find the summary for decision-makers in the La Mèche media library.

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