The French Minister of Agriculture, Julien Denormandie, and the European Commissioner for Agriculture, Janusz Woiciechowski, have announced that the European Union’s recently adopted agricultural strategy, entitled “From Farm to Fork”, will be reassessed in the light of the objective of food sovereignty, which is said to be threatened by the war in Ukraine. But attacks on this strategy, whose objectives were deemed too green, began several months before the start of the war, backed up by dubious reports, including one financed by the European pesticide manufacturers’ lobby.

Benoît Biteau, Green MEP and Vice-Chairman of the European Parliament’s Agriculture Committee, believes that “It’s not by wanting to produce more with more pesticides and more synthetic fertilizers that we’ll protect ourselves from crises. We’re clearly vulnerable when it comes to synthetic fertilizers, the price of which is soaring along with that of energy. Agroecology, on the other hand, is based on a logic of autonomy, which would enable us to be less affected by the conflict in Ukraine.

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