Until April 30 at the Fondation Cartier in Paris
The Fondation Cartier presents La Vallée, a major monograph devoted to the paintings of Fabrice Hyber. In his canvases painted “with his fingertips”, the French artist reveals the unfolding of a free, living thought. Bringing together some sixty canvases, including almost fifteen works produced specifically for the exhibition, Fabrice Hyber creates a school at the Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain open to all hypotheses. Visitors are invited to walk through various classrooms, following the meandering path of the artist’s thought.
Artist, sower, entrepreneur, poet, Fabrice Hyber is the author of prolific, precisely catalogued works. Disregarding categories, he incorporates all areas of life into the field of art, from mathematics to neuroscience, commerce, history and astrophysics, as well as love, the body and the mutations of the living.