
According to her, the big problem at present is that there is no real political will to convert individual will to act for the climate, and that without structural change, this dynamic will lead us nowhere :

“Many countries, especially in the West, don’t give themselves the means to take sufficient action. Unfortunately, we’re heading in the wrong direction. Many politicians use greenwashing and PR techniques to make it look like they’re doing things they’re not actually doing. If they’re trying to water things down, it’s because they realize that people are starting to become aware of this global crisis, but the politicians, at least for now, are continuing to use these arguments against us. Unfortunately, small, everyday gestures are not enough, because the problem needs to be tackled structurally”.

Greta Thunberg will not be attending the Cop27 climate summit in Egypt. She claims that the UN climate conference, which she describes as a forum for greenwashing, will be “used as an opportunity for leaders and those in power to attract attention”.

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