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Z Event-Associations-Changement climatique-Urgence-Polémique

Z Event is a charity project created by Adrien Nougaret and Alexandre Dachary.

Divided into 2 parts, the event consists of a showcase to kick things off, followed by a video game streaming marathon featuring a host of specialist presenters throughout the weekend.

For over 50 hours, participants broadcast live content together and encourage viewers to get involved in supporting a charity.

This year, ecology will be the beneficiary of the funds raised, through four associations that have been chosen: Sea Shepherd, which defends marine life, The Sea Cleaners, which fights against ocean pollution, the League for the Protection of Birds and 
the World Wildlife Fund. For the first time, a company has also been selected : Time for the Planet. The aim is to create another 100 companies around the world dedicated to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

This event will reach thousands of people and offer the environmental cause a “ incredible sounding board “.

Z Event

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