Pesticides-Alimentation-Plastique-ONG-Viande laboratoire

Reporterre tells the 3-part story of Rachel Carson, the pioneering environmentalist who spent much of her life fighting pesticides. Despite his fight and that of other opponents, pesticide consumption has been rising steadily since the 1960s. 

In 2020, Singapore became the first country in the world to market chicken nuggets made from animal cell cultures. The huge advantage of this technique is that it doesn’t require the use of hectares of farmland, the administration of antibiotics or the slaughter of millions of animals. This process can produce 1,000 tons of meat from a single gram of cells. However, there are still many questions surrounding the safety and ecological footprint of this technology.

Based on France’s “duty of vigilance” law, which obliges the biggest companies based in France to take effective measures to prevent human rights and environmental abuses throughout their supply chain, a group of NGOs is putting pressure on the food giants to contribute to the fight against plastic pollution with quantifiable commitments and strategies not based solely on recyclability.

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