
Launched for the first time last year, these gatherings offer a moment of conviviality and education around food sustainability. Participants can enjoy a variety of activities, including participatory gardening and lacto-fermentation workshops, as well as sustainable fashion demonstrations and tips on reusing objects, all set to a musical backdrop.

These events also enable residents to reinvest public spaces and receive essential information on the environmental impact of our eating habits. According to the municipality, food in Switzerland generates almost a third of the country’s greenhouse gas emissions, largely due to food production and distribution methods. Adopting simple practices such as reducing food waste, which reaches around 100 kilos per person per year, and encouraging the consumption of local and seasonal produce, are key to limiting this impact.

Geneva’s various districts will take turns hosting the festivities:

  • Les Acacias: May 4
  • Champel: May 15
  • Pâquis: May 25
  • Eaux-Vives: May 31

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