JBS is the world’s largest meat processor and is regularly criticized for its responsibility in deforestation. Yet two-thirds of the 102 meat products inspected in Carrefour stores in Brazil are supplied by JBS. The NGO’s report also points to the supply of soya for animalfeed. Bunge, an American company, imports this soybean, whose cultivation is responsible for massive deforestation in Brazil. And LDC, which supplies Carrefour with chickens and eggs for its stores in France, buys from Bunge. The NGO is calling on Carrefour to be more transparent about its supply chain and take responsibility.

Following these revelations, Carrefour announced the suspension of some of its supplies and took steps to reinforce its strategy.

While destroyed areas of the Amazon rainforest may never regenerate according to one of the most important studies to date, Amazonia Against the Clock, which covers the nine nations that contain parts of the Amazon….

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