According to the PAN, almost a third of the kiwis and half the cherries tested were contaminated. The figure is as high as 87% for pears produced in Belgium and 74% for cherries grown in Spain. Instead of seeing the most toxic substances gradually disappear, they have observed a spectacular increase over the last ten years. European countries have not met their legal obligation to substitute the most harmful approved active substances  by less harmful chemical and less chemical alternatives. The PAN invokes 
lobbying by the agri-food industry
“to explain inaction. 

WWF points out that around 40% of the food produced in the world is never consumed. This represents around 2.5 billion tonnes. 

“It’s unacceptable that we don’t eat food in perfect condition just because of the way it looks”.

Mariella Meyer, WWF Switzerland

The Confederation published an action plan against food waste in April this year, which was signed by 28 companies.

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